Please scroll
down and review any Tech Support issues and alerts before proceeding to
the password protected areas. If you have any questions or concern based
on the alerts, please contact us by phone
or email.
After March 2003, our web Technical Information and Support is now only available
to those on annual support contracts and with use of a provided password.
Here you see only our most basic public descriptions.
December 1, 2012
Microsoft has announced the ending of support for Windows XP by April 1,
2014. All users should consider moving to Windows 7 32bit to best use most
or all of our software offerings.
Oct 1, 2012
Software updates for Wildgame Fill and Bill now allow multiple species to use
the tools, for example Venison, GameBirds, and Bear, each with independent
billing, scheduling, and labeling.
July 15, 2011
We have partnered with an international IT supplier to bring more flexible
output to the Meat Handler System. With our new Print Anything Anywhere
routines, all output which was traditionally sent to direct connected printer(s)
from our 'compatible list', can now be redirected to all 5 supported printer
ports, to any Windows compatible device. Thus you can send to ALL basic or
multi-function printers, fax output, email systems, remote IP printers,
wireless devices, as well as PDF output. If you can print to it from
Windows, you can print to it from the Meat Handler.
Oct 5, 2010
Major new capabilities in our Wildgame Fill and Bill routines: Expanded
scheduling, label integration with hunter data at the tray, box, or tray level,
season review and planning tools by product, abilities to fill orders to match
smokehouse capacities of key/limiting products, abilities to only fill an order
if all products are available, calling lists of fully completed orders, and text
or email messaging of finished items and dollar amounts.
March 12, 2003
Users of Windows XP and Windows 2000 now have an update available which makes
better use of processor capacity and speed on newer hardware. All windows
become 'sizeable', and full cut and paste capabilities are here for you! Clients with
Tech Support contracts in place are entitled to this free enhancement.
November 15, 2001
Microsoft Client for Netware has proven far superior to Novell in speed for the Meat
Handler when running multi-user. The exact reason why is not known, Novell
staff have been less that helpful in troubleshooting. The speed difference
is most obvious when using a 100mghz hub or a duplex switch, when loading of
program modules appears to be as much as 50 times faster with all other
variables unchanged. Caution: The Netware Client is required to be running
in any workstation that is using Nptwin95 for remote printer sharing, and is
required for all of Novell's net management software. Our suggestion is to
change over all other clients if you have issues with Novell's
The balance of this section is provided to new users and Meat Handler Clients with a paid Annual
Support Agreement.
The "FTP file downloads and updates" include all fully released modules for
software developed by the Meat Handler Company. "Tech Tips" are the detailed
notes about function and the interpretation of results from some of the more
'advanced' modules in our software.
Beta releases and special programming compiles are only available via PCAnywhere connection to our offices.
Patches and
updates to other supporting or supported software (HDM, Business Works, tape backup,
scanner software) are only
offered on-line if they are distributed at no charge and without license from the