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Meat Handler Users Win Big!

WAMP 2002 Product Show Awards

April 15, 2002 -- Madison Wisconsin.  Meat Handler users won one third of the product show awards at the Wisconsin Association of Meat Processors (WAMP) annual convention in Madison.

At the WAMP show in April 2002, thirty-three classes of processed meats were judged.  Out of the 132 awards presented, companies who benefit from products and services supplied by the Meat Handler Company garnered 43 prizes.  The prize-winning Wisconsin companies include:

bulletThe Butcher Shop, Fennimore
bulletHoff’s United Foods, Brownsville
bulletKarl’s Country Market, Menomonee Falls
bulletKewaskum Frozen Foods, Kewaskum
bulletLake Geneva Country Meats, Lake Geneva
bulletMaplewood Packing, Green Bay
bulletMiesfeld’s Triangle Market, Sheboygan
bulletNiemuth’s Steak & Chop Shop, Waupaca
bulletNolechek’s Meats, Thorp
bulletSorg Farm Packing, Darien
bulletWenzel Farm Sausage, Marshfield

Congratulations to all winners!

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For More Information Contact:

The Meat Handler Company
1030 Beech Street
Cleveland, WI 53015
Tel: 920.693.3141
FAX: 920.693.8772

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