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Meat Handler Users are Big Winners in Many Ways!

AAMP Product Show Awards

July 17, 1999 -- Springfield Illinois.  There were 25 classes and a "best of show" trophy totaling 95 awards won at the 1999 American Association of Meat Processors annual meat product competition during their annual convention yesterday. This show featured nearly 1000 products in classes ranging from Bacon, Cooked Summer Sausage, Large Diameter Luncheon Meats, and extending to Smoked Turkey, Whole Muscle Jerky and new classes featuring Innovative Beef or Pork.  Entrants were from all parts of the United States.

Nearly half of the award winners were Meat Handler software users! The Meat Handler software offers management tools to processors that assure quality procedures are consistently followed to make safe and wholesome products, and helps them set prices that assure the margins they deserve.

Are the winnings merely co-incidence or does it point in the direction of top managers producing high quality, tasty products?

Meat Handler customers reflect leadership in their community too, with many plants opening their doors to judging competition, 4-H and FFA groups. They are generous in supporting the educational system, youth and community service projects.

What do meat product judges do?

Kathy Pearce, Meat Specialist and 20 year veteran meat judge with the Meat Handler Company reports "The judging is three fold.  First the external characteristics are observed and points are assigned for its merit or deducted for defects.  Next the internal appearance is assessed and scored.  The final step is the "organoleptic". This processes involves the sense of smell, taste and mouth feel to judge the overall satisfaction level of the product. The products scoring the highest in each area garners the prizes!

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For More Information Contact:

The Meat Handler Company
1030 Beech Street
Cleveland, WI 53015
Tel: 920.693.3141
FAX: 920.693.8772

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